The goal isn't to build a website. The goal is to build your business.


Brain Spark Information Technology CO.L.L.C is a network of connected, young, passionate and serious professional and software engineers who have craze for technology. Our organization is based in Dubai . It was founded by experienced and enthusiastic entrepreneur and technology experts. From then we are in search of new innovative ideas to help mankind to give solution for their problems through technology.

We are a technology-driven firm expert in custom product engineering and enterprise application development. Based on our technology expertise, we have established ourselves as a one-stop platform that covers everything from web development to IT consulting and outsourced product development to data analysis, cloud, and mobility.

Our area of operation is web solutions with core expertise and specialization in smart e-Governance, Enterprise IT Solutions and IT Consulting. We believe in making strong relationship with the potential clients or users by providing the best and reliable services.


Be a leading software organization and outsourcing service provider to achieve success with years passing by. Build trust and long term relationships with our clients and provide exceptional customer service with innovative solutions and advanced technology. Keep no stone unturned in search of new achievement.


To be recognized as an impactful, innovative and efficient consulting firm and creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer and healthier life for people everywhere.


We are software professional who are curious about technology. Our curiosity leads us to search for new INNOVATION. We build everything IN and AROUND "PEOPLE". We have a passion for work. In one word we are technology addicted persons.


We always apply best practice in the software development process using latest technology. We build young and talented software engineers to a world class level. We warrant customer satisfaction to the best of our ability with reasonable cost and a excellent maintenance service provided by dedicated team.


Our goal is to satisfy your needs. We focus on your requirement and always try to provide you with the best solution. Our relationship is build on trust and friendliness. We believe 'we are if you are'.